Local concerns.

ALBION, Lauriston Road


If any members know anything at all about

the Albion, closed for over a year following

rumours that the previous publican died

suddenly, please let us know. We are

aware of pub operators who are interest in

taking this premises on but nobody seems

to know how to contact the lawful owner.

The pub is currently occupied by live-in

property guardians. The branch is

considering a nomination for Asset of

Community Value status with Hackney

Council. We would like to know more

about the background and circumstances

of this historic pub, apparently damaged

by a World War I zeppelin! Please let us

know if you have any information about its

history or current predicament.


Limehouse E14

There is a campaign underway to Save The Queens Head Limehouse, E14 which was declared as an Asset of Community Value this spring. Supporters have until the end of August to buy the pub from its current owners and prevent it falling into the hands of developers. Pledges can be made here. Visit Queens Head for the pub history and some old photographs of the area.

ACORN, Queensbridge

Road/Whiston Road E2.

The Acorn pub in Haggerston is under threat of demolition. A planning application has been submitted to knock down the Victorian pub and replace with 9 private flats. ELAC branch successfully nominated this pub as an ACV and there are a few good operators interested in it - all of whom would relaunch the existing pub sensitively, stock it with good quality local beer and fine wine, and it would be another welcome addition to the Hackney pub scene. Sadly that will not happen if the developer, a Mr MacNeil UB40 who has converted or demolished 14 London pubs to date, gets his way! We need individual members to write to Hackney Council planners and OBJECT to this proposal on the grounds that the Acorn is an historic corner pub building which is an Asset of Community Value. Furthermore the pub has not been marketed at a fair price, which is a breach of planning policy. There is lots of commercial interest in rescuing the pub, as it is now, and the demolition and replacement with a sterile modern block is unnecessary. Please email quoting Ref 2017/0084. The plans for the replacement building and other details can be viewed here by searching on that ref number: PlanningExplorer/generalsearch.aspx
Campaigning for real ale, pubs & drinkers' rights since 1971.
© Disclaimer and Copyright Notice: “All pages, their contents and related items are provided as is. Thus no liability, consequential or otherwise, rising from them is accepted. Where not already belonging or assigned to others, all material remains our copyright. CAMRA East London & City 2025. Parts of this website were updated 9 February 2025..
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Local concerns.

ALBION, Lauriston Road E9

If any members know anything at all about the Albion,

closed for over a year following rumours that the previous

publican died suddenly, please let us know. We are aware

of pub operators who are interest in taking this premises on

but nobody seems to know how to contact the lawful owner.

The pub is currently occupied by live-in property guardians.

The branch is considering a nomination for Asset of

Community Value status with Hackney Council. We would

like to know more about the background and circumstances

of this historic pub, apparently damaged by a World War I

zeppelin! Please let us know if you have any information

about its history or current predicament.

QUEENS HEAD, Limehouse E14

There is a campaign underway to Save The Queens Head Limehouse, E14 which was declared as an Asset of Community Value this spring. Supporters have until the end of August to buy the pub from its current owners and prevent it falling into the hands of developers. Pledges can be made here. Visit Queens Head for the pub history and some old photographs of the area.

ACORN, Queensbridge

Road/Whiston Road E2.

The Acorn pub in Haggerston is under threat of demolition. A planning application has been submitted to knock down the Victorian pub and replace with 9 private flats. ELAC branch successfully nominated this pub as an ACV and there are a few good operators interested in it - all of whom would relaunch the existing pub sensitively, stock it with good quality local beer and fine wine, and it would be another welcome addition to the Hackney pub scene. Sadly that will not happen if the developer, a Mr MacNeil UB40 who has converted or demolished 14 London pubs to date, gets his way! We need individual members to write to Hackney Council planners and OBJECT to this proposal on the grounds that the Acorn is an historic corner pub building which is an Asset of Community Value. Furthermore the pub has not been marketed at a fair price, which is a breach of planning policy. There is lots of commercial interest in rescuing the pub, as it is now, and the demolition and replacement with a sterile modern block is unnecessary. Please email quoting Ref 2017/0084. The plans for the replacement building and other details can be viewed here by searching on that ref number: lorer/generalsearch.aspx
© Disclaimer and Copyright Notice: “All pages, their contents and related items are provided as is. Thus no liability, consequential or otherwise, rising from them is accepted. Where not already belonging or assigned to others, all material remains our copyright. CAMRA East London & City 2023. Parts of this website were updated 9 February 2025.
Another pub that needs our help otherwise it will be lost. The Central Hotel 150 Barking Road East Ham London E6 3BD Proposed change of use from A4 to A1 to provide 238 sqm of floorspace, conversion of the existing 1st and 2nd floors, and partial conversion of the ground floor to create 4 x residential flats (comprising 1 x 1 bed, 1 x 2 bed , 1 x 3 bed and 1 x 4 bed ), proposed 5 x 3 bed new residential houses to the rear of the site with provisions for refuse and storage and cycle storage area. Case Officer: Robin Bennett Click for further information applications/ cation&keyVal=OFYJTAJYISY00 Please lodge an objection. This was brought to our attention by Paul who used the pub before it was closed.
Campaigning for real ale, pubs & drinkers' rights since 1971.
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