Campaigning for real ale, pubs & drinkers' rights since 1971.
Other organisations  to contact: Government Funded “My  Community Rights” Website: Helpline: 0845 345 4564   The Plunkett Foundation:  The Plunkett Foundation helps  communities buy and run their  local pub under community  ownership and operates a   Co-operative Pubs Advice Line. Details of how to contact the  Plunkett Foundation can be found  here -   Advice Line: 01993 810730 Pub is the Hub:  Where can I go for  more advice and  support? CAMRA  JOIN CAMRA:  By joining CAMRA you will actively  be helping to support your local  pubs as well as being able to enjoy  a range of membership benefits.  Join online at: Further advice and resources: Advice on community ownership: community-right-to-buy   For other queries please contact  CAMRA’s Campaigns Team –  01727 798 449   Government Funded “My  Community Rights” Website: Helpline: 0845 345 4564   The Plunkett Foundation:  The Plunkett Foundation helps  communities buy and run their  local pub under community  ownership and operates a   Co-operative Pubs Advice Line. Details of how to contact the  Plunkett Foundation can be found  here -   Advice Line: 01993 810730 Pub is the Hub: local people, as a Parish Council,  or in connection with a local group  including CAMRA Branches.  •  Go to your Council website and  look up the section on Assets  of Community Value or Right to  Bid. Here you can download a  nomination form (or if there isn’t  one available CAMRA provides a  template) •  Fill in the form with as much detail  as you can on why the pub should  be classified as a community asset.  •  If nominating as an Unincorporated  Group, demonstrate that at least 21  people from the local community  support the listing of the pub. •  Check your local Council website to  see where the nomination needs to  be submitted. Many Councils have  produced guidance explaining how  they are accepting nominations. •  Request a r eceipt from the Council  to acknowledge they have received  the form as planning protection  will be granted at the point of  nomination. Getting 21 people  together – it’s  easier than you  might think!  Here are a few ideas on getting to  that magic number of 21: •  V isit the pub you hope to list  and ask the regulars to add their  name •  V isit a local beer festival and  collect signatures • Ask your family and friends •  Engage with other local gr oups in  the area  •  Launch a petition to list your  local using 38 Degrees and  gather signatures online:  You will only need to gather  support from 21 people if  nominating as an Unincorporated  Body. If you love your local pub and think it adds value to your community, you can  apply for it to be registered as an Asset of Community Value (ACV) to give it  extra protection from developers (England Only).  Without ACV status developers can convert local pubs to a wide range of  retail uses or even demolish them without applying for planning permission,  denying local people a say.  Make sure your voice is heard by nominating your local  pub as an ACV today. What happens if a  registered pub is  up for sale? As well as protecting your local  pub from demolition or change of  use without a planning application,  ACV registration provides the  opportunity for the community to  bid for the pub.  If the owner of a registered pub  wishes to sell to a property  developer, a six-week interim  moratorium period kicks in and the  Council will tell you. If during this  time your local community group  decides it would like to consider  bidding to take the pub on, you  can trigger a full moratorium period  of six months – which will give you  time to raise finance, develop a  business plan and make a bid to  buy the asset on the open market.  It’s important to stress that if you  put your name to listing a pub,  you will be under absolutely no  obligation to bid to buy the pub in  the future. Nominating a pub and securing  support from the community  demonstrates that it is important to  the local area. In addition:  •  ACV status means planning  permission will be required for the  pub to be converted to any other  use or demolished  •  A sale of an ACV pub to a developer  can be delayed for up to six months  while the community explore  options to keep the pub open •  Pr operty developers who want  to avoid a contentious planning  application may be dissuaded from  buying an ACV listed pub. How do I  nominate a pub?  To nominate your local as an Asset of  Community Value, all you need to do  is follow these simple steps: •  Decide who you ar e nominating on  behalf of. You can either nominate  as an unincorporated group of 21  Why nominate  my local? Nominating  Pubs as Assets of Community Value

The ACV Challenge - James Watson (ELAC’s Pubs Preservation

© Disclaimer and Copyright Notice: “All pages, their contents and related items are provided as is. Thus no liability, consequential or otherwise, rising from them is accepted. Where not already belonging or assigned to others, all material remains our copyright. CAMRA East London & City 2025. Parts of this website were updated 15 January 2025..
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Other organisations  to contact: Government Funded “My  Community Rights” Website: Helpline: 0845 345 4564   The Plunkett Foundation:  The Plunkett Foundation helps  communities buy and run their  local pub under community  ownership and operates a   Co-operative Pubs Advice Line. Details of how to contact the  Plunkett Foundation can be found  here -   Advice Line: 01993 810730 Pub is the Hub:  Where can I go for  more advice and  support? CAMRA  JOIN CAMRA:  By joining CAMRA you will actively  be helping to support your local  pubs as well as being able to enjoy  a range of membership benefits.  Join online at: Further advice and resources: Advice on community ownership: community-right-to-buy   For other queries please contact  CAMRA’s Campaigns Team –  01727 798 449   Government Funded “My  Community Rights” Website: Helpline: 0845 345 4564   The Plunkett Foundation:  The Plunkett Foundation helps  communities buy and run their  local pub under community  ownership and operates a   Co-operative Pubs Advice Line. Details of how to contact the  Plunkett Foundation can be found  here -   Advice Line: 01993 810730 Pub is the Hub: local people, as a Parish Council,  or in connection with a local group  including CAMRA Branches.  •  Go to your Council website and  look up the section on Assets  of Community Value or Right to  Bid. Here you can download a  nomination form (or if there isn’t  one available CAMRA provides a  template) •  Fill in the form with as much detail  as you can on why the pub should  be classified as a community asset.  •  If nominating as an Unincorporated  Group, demonstrate that at least 21  people from the local community  support the listing of the pub. •  Check your local Council website to  see where the nomination needs to  be submitted. Many Councils have  produced guidance explaining how  they are accepting nominations. •  Request a r eceipt from the Council  to acknowledge they have received  the form as planning protection  will be granted at the point of  nomination. Getting 21 people  together – it’s  easier than you  might think!  Here are a few ideas on getting to  that magic number of 21: •  V isit the pub you hope to list  and ask the regulars to add their  name •  V isit a local beer festival and  collect signatures • Ask your family and friends •  Engage with other local gr oups in  the area  •  Launch a petition to list your  local using 38 Degrees and  gather signatures online:  You will only need to gather  support from 21 people if  nominating as an Unincorporated  Body. If you love your local pub and think it adds value to your community, you can  apply for it to be registered as an Asset of Community Value (ACV) to give it  extra protection from developers (England Only).  Without ACV status developers can convert local pubs to a wide range of  retail uses or even demolish them without applying for planning permission,  denying local people a say.  Make sure your voice is heard by nominating your local  pub as an ACV today. What happens if a  registered pub is  up for sale? As well as protecting your local  pub from demolition or change of  use without a planning application,  ACV registration provides the  opportunity for the community to  bid for the pub.  If the owner of a registered pub  wishes to sell to a property  developer, a six-week interim  moratorium period kicks in and the  Council will tell you. If during this  time your local community group  decides it would like to consider  bidding to take the pub on, you  can trigger a full moratorium period  of six months – which will give you  time to raise finance, develop a  business plan and make a bid to  buy the asset on the open market.  It’s important to stress that if you  put your name to listing a pub,  you will be under absolutely no  obligation to bid to buy the pub in  the future. Nominating a pub and securing  support from the community  demonstrates that it is important to  the local area. In addition:  •  ACV status means planning  permission will be required for the  pub to be converted to any other  use or demolished  •  A sale of an ACV pub to a developer  can be delayed for up to six months  while the community explore  options to keep the pub open •  Pr operty developers who want  to avoid a contentious planning  application may be dissuaded from  buying an ACV listed pub. How do I  nominate a pub?  To nominate your local as an Asset of  Community Value, all you need to do  is follow these simple steps: •  Decide who you ar e nominating on  behalf of. You can either nominate  as an unincorporated group of 21  Why nominate  my local?
N ominating
Pubs as Assets of Community Value

The ACV Challenge - James

Watson (ELAC’s Pubs

Preservation Officer)

Assets of Community Value (ACVs) have been with us for three years now and there are 879 pubs listed in England, including around 90 in the Greater London Region. Many people are fixated with the "community right to bid" aspect and somehow feel that they will be obliged to raise funds to buy a pub. Although this is possible, it is highly unlikely. There are only two community-owned pubs in London which have gone down this route - The Ivy House and The Antwerp Arms. The other 88 were nominated primarily to achieve a planning purpose. A good example is The Chesham Arms in Hackney whose ACV status helped to save it from conversion to flats. It is still in the same ownership but the ACV registration was deployed as a tool to safeguard its long- term survival as a pub. Since April 2015, planning law has changed. When pubs are nominated as ACV, their permitted development rights for demolition and change of use are removed. This is very useful to us as it brings change of use and demolition under planning control. Also since the start of 2015, it has been possible for CAMRA branches to submit nominations for ACV status, without the need to collect 21 signatures or to form an association. CAMRA is a limited company which does not distribute a surplus to its members. This makes us eligible to put ACV nominations in as CAMRA Ltd, exploiting our branch structure to demonstrate a local connection. Nominating your treasured local has never been easier and it now provides meaningful planning protection. Our colleagues at HQ have a dedicated online survey tool to make the application process efficient. It really is as simple as ACV! The process is: 1. Identify a pub (or pubs) in the local area that you believe would be a great loss of converted to alternative use 2. Obtain the permission of the ELAC Branch Chairman (Kim Scott) or deputy (John Pardoe) to submit this nomination as ELAC 3. Use the online Survey Monkey form to complete the questionnaire on the pub: 4. HQ staff will check the info, download (and pay for!) the Land Registry documents, and email all the forms back to you. 5. You then take the form to the Town Hall or email to the Council in question, being sure to obtain a receipt! The Council has 8 weeks in which to make a decision. You will be notified when your pub is added to the register. It is a good idea to speak to the licensee / publican so the notification does not come as a shock. Most publicans see registration as a badge of honour. The pub will receive a certificate from the government, and a "This Pub Matters" pack from CAMRA. Don't delay - List Your Local Today.
© Disclaimer and Copyright Notice: “All pages, their contents and related items are provided as is. Thus no liability, consequential or otherwise, rising from them is accepted. Where not already belonging or assigned to others, all material remains our copyright. CAMRA East London & City 2023. Parts of this website were updated 15 January 2025.
Campaigning for real ale, pubs & drinkers' rights since 1971.
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